Saturday, February 25, 2012

Shards of S'Darin cover for print

Ok, everyone. Here is the finished cover to Shards of S'Darin, In the Shadow of the Black Sun: Book Two. Title and text has been added by my wife, the graphic design expert and the files have been uploaded to the appropriate places. I'm just waiting on the processing and approval for the Kindle and paperback versions. It's always exciting waiting for the printed proof to come in the mail. I can't wait to see it. When I received the proof for A Dream of Storms, it was like magic when I opened the package. I included the map in the book this time and I hope that it reads clearly. I know a lot of fantasy fans love to have a map of the world to refer to, myself included.

So, prepare yourselves. The book is about ready to go live and now the adventure continues....

Walk with the Wind,



  1. Great cover, it looks very good. i like maps in books, I think on one level that it shows the author has thought about the world they are creating. It's a thrill when you get the stuff back from the publisher isn't it. Good luck.

    1. As always, I appreciate your comments, Paul. Thanks.
