Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Final cover for Shards of S'Darin

Here's the cover to Shards of S'Darin. Unless I change it again. Lol.


  1. I really like this cover. The lack of any real colour and just the redness is very foreboding, hinting maybe at more evil to come, really good. Great work.

  2. As usual William, excellent artwork! I do like the color choices quite a bit.

  3. Thank you, Becca and Gary. It was a little difficult to pull off the color actually. This scene calls for a red glow filling the subterranean passage, but I wanted a little more than just red. I had to mess with it a lot to get it right. I'm pretty satisfied with it. Now to get the title and other text on there.

  4. Its an eye catching cover, it would make me want to open the book.

    1. Thank you, Paul. The most difficult thing is deciding which scene to illustrate. Lots of possibilities. I also wanted to do interior illustrations, but haven't decided if it would be worth it. I'm anxious to publish the book and really don't want to wait the extra days to finish the artwork.
